About Us
A diverse team working together to simplify financial services through innovative solutions.

We are a team of keen innovators, determined to carve out the technologies and products that will be relevant to the financial services landscape of the future.
Our Story
The company started operations in 2014 under the name Paymix Ltd. At the time, the company’s offering focused on solely prepaid card issuing.
Due to changes in the economy, fintech landscape, and new shareholders, the business model shifted. In 2017, Cenk Kahraman, CEO of Finance Incorporated Limited, together with new shareholders, came into the company and redefined the business plan, adding new products and services to the offerings with the aim to add more value to the clients. From then on, our business increased in scope and scale – from 6 employees in 2017 to around 80 employees operating in 4 locations in 2024; from 3.5 million Euros of assets in 2017 to 400 million Euros in 2023.

Finance Incorporated Limited (C55838) of The Centre Level 3, Censu Xerri Street, Tigne Point, Tas-Sliema, TPO 0001, Malta, is licenced by the MFSA to operate as a financial institution carrying out the activities of payment services under the 2nd Schedule and to issue electronic money under the 3rd Schedule to the Financial Institutions Act (Chapter 376 of the Laws of Malta), Finance Incorporated Limited is not a credit institution and the depositor compensation scheme does not apply.
Paymix Pro, iPaymix, Paymix SoftPOS and PaymixVIA are brand names of Finance Incorporated Limited.
Memberships and Representations

Finance Incorporated Limited aims to inspire the financial services industry to better serve humanity. As an upstanding member of the financial services industry, we are responsible for leading the sector to drive a positive societal change towards a fair and equitable world.
Core Values
Our team is composed of smart, creative, and innovative individuals with the ability to solve complicated problems and achieve great things.
Our team cares for each other, our mission, the community, and the environment.
We are agile and adaptable to emerging conditions, which gives us the ability to handle anything that comes our way.
Together, we have always pushed boundaries because we have a strong drive to excel and to create a positive societal change.
To pioneer financial services that enrich lives and strengthen communities across Europe.
To provide simple financial services that are accessible, adaptive, and reliable through innovative solutions.

Finance incorporated Limited is owned by Doxxon Finance Limited, which is a Malta based investment holding company for its subsidiaries around the world. Investments in subsidiaries are done without geographical or sectoral constraints. The main idea of Doxxon is to create tangible synergies between its subsidiaries.